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Met warns Londoners: ‘be extra vigilant’


THE festive period has seen a number burglar’s spike, with the months leading up to December a number of reported burgles and thief’s taking place across the capital.

A number of alarming aggressive burgles have taken place with forced entre and assault. Across Enfield thieves targeting elderly couples with the intent to steal gold, valuable watches and jewelry.

Now the met has warned that cars are been targeted, a retired couple from Baxley, South London were sleeping when their Audi Q3 along with electronic good was stolen from their home.  The rise in stolen car with keyless systems, means device bought online are being uses to start and drive the cars away without even stealing the fob.

What to do? 

Detective Superintendent Neil Matthews, the Met’s burglary lead, said: “One of the most important things you can do is to fully close and lock windows and doors when you go out. Many burglars are opportunists, so don’t allow them an opportunity to enter your property…”

  1. Safeguard your building

– Always locking windows and double locking doors when you leave your premises regardless of the length of time you are likely to be out.

– Make your home look occupied: use timer lights when the nights get longer, and cancel deliveries if you are going away.

– Keep tools and ladders secured, minimising the opportunity for a burglar or opportunist thief to use them in accessing your property.

  1. Protect your valuables

– Always keep valuables such as tablets and laptops out of sight from windows and store keys away from the letterbox.

– Help police identify your property if stolen by using a property marking kit and taking photos.

– Consider buying a safe or using other safe storage providers.

  1. Secure the outside of your house/building

– Keep gates, sheds and garages locked

– Keep hedges at the front low and install outdoor lighting, so burglars have nowhere to hide.

– Install trellises and spiky plants to stop burglars from climbing over fences.

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