CHANGES to Mandatory Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing The Government has changed the criteria for the mandatory HMO licensing scheme. From 1 October 2018, it will be compulsory to obtain a licence for specific elements.
You will be requeired to obtain a licence for the conditions below:
- HMOs which have two or more households, five or more occupiers and sharing facilities, regardless of number of storeys.
- The “three or more storeys” element will no longer apply.
- Flats in multiple occupation (if they have five or more occupiers) above or below a business and some purpose built flats.
You will need to ensure the HMO complies with the Council’s HMO Standards. You must also have the correct class of planning use. You must apply for a licence by 1 October 2018.
Operating a licensable HMO without a licence after 1 October 2018 will be an offence which can be dealt with by a financial penalty or a prosecution.
For information about HMOs, what properties need to be licensed and how to apply, go to