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A record number of councillors

Victorious Turkish-speaking councillors attend Londra Gazete at Cyprus Kitchen in Haringey

A record number of councillors
Victorious Turkish-speaking councillors attend Londra Gazete at Cyprus Kitchen in Haringey

Seçilen meclis üyeleri

The new councillors from the Turkish-speaking communities were hailed as an example of how well they have integrated with Britain.

Turkey’s ambassador to the UK, Ünal Çeviköz, said the record number of candidates in last month’s local elections showed how migrants from his country had become respected individuals here.

Emine İbrahim, Peray Ahmet ve Jansev Jemal

Councillors Emine İbrahim, Peray Ahmet and Jansev Jemal

Güney Doğan Doğan Delman

Councillors Güney Doğan and Doğan Delman

32 councillors from the Conservative and Labour parties were victorious in boroughs ranging from Enfield to Bexley in local elections last month.

They came together for the first time at a reception organised by Londra Gazete, where they were joined by Mr Çeviköz, as well as the Turkish Cypriot representative in London, Oya Tuncalı, and representatives from community associations.

It was held at Cyprus Kitchen, the Turkish Cypriot Community Association on Green Lanes, Harringay.

Turgut Esendağlı Yasemin Brett

Enfield councillors Turgut Esendağlı and Yasemin Brett

Jansev Jemal Ahmet Öykener

Enfield councillors Jansev Jemal (third from right) and Ahmet Öykener (second from right)

Ms Tuncalı spoke of the importance of unity within the community and urged progress towards electing a representative to parliament, while Enfield councillor Doğan Delman said he was delighted the number of representatives had reached such heights.

Sixteen councillors from the Turkish, Turkish Cypriot and Kurdish communities have been elected in the north London borough of Enfield. Five won in Haringey, four in Hackney, and two each in Islington and south of the river in Bexley.

Ünal Çeviköz

Turkey’s ambassador to London, Ünal Çeviköz


“This victory is important because it demonstrates the extent to which you have made yourselves accepted in this country,” said Mr Çeviköz in a short address.

“It means that our citizens who represent us here, both those who came from Turkey and those who were born and raised here, have fully integrated themselves in this country and have become respected individuals of the community.”

Ali Gül Özbek Makbule Güneş Ayşegül Erdoğan

Councillors Ali Gül Özbek, Makbule Güneş and Ayşegül Erdoğan

Nesimi Erbil Ersin Çelebi

Councillors Nesimi Erbil and Ersin Çelebi

Oya Tuncalı

Oya Tuncalı, the Turkish Cypriot representative in London

Mr Çeviköz, whose his positing in London comes to an end this month, added: “In the future, when I hear that either one of you or another community representative has been elected to the United Kingdom parliament, I will remember this speech and the memory of our time together here today.”

Speaking afterwards, Ms Tuncalı said the elected councillors would all have hard work to do in the months to come, but added she was sure it would be for the good of the Turkish-speaking communities, irrespective of the colour of the party they represent.

Enfield councillor Doğan Delman, elected to his fifth term in office, was invited to say a few words as the longest serving Turkish-speaking member.

He said that when he ran his first campaign, the communities were represented by himself and a Labour candidate in Haringey.

“I am delighted that we have reached 32 councillors this year,” he said.

A wide range of local representatives from Alevi, Cypriot, Kurdish and various Anatolian associations were present at the event.

Ali Bakır Turgut Esendağlı

Councillors Ali Bakır and Turgut Esendağlı

Güney Doğan Mete Çoban

En genç meclis üyeleri Güney Doğan ve Mete Çoban


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