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Tragic accident in London

OUR COMMUNITY living in London has been shaken by the news of the fatal accident that took place in Enfield where Nilgün Akgün a 44 school teacher, tragically lost her life.

The police reported the tragic incident happened in Enfield, North London, On Friday, December 15th at 18.13 pm while Akgün was at Great Cambridge Road A10 around Brook Canal on her way to visit a relative when a she was hit by a car whilst crossing the road.

The Metropolitan Police, who initiated the investigation after the accident,

“Despite the presence of safety camera images in the area of the accident, we do not have enough clear information about the moment of the accident. We are still investigating the case. Although it will not ease the pain of losing a wife and a mother for the family, we think that this information is important for answering the questions of the family. ”


Lawyer Fidan Osoy, who was on the scene immediately after the accident, stated that Advantage Solicitors will be voluntarily helping with the all necessary legal process. Lawyers from Advantage Solicitors will be looking at the accident to find out what exact happened to the teacher and Osoy told the Turkish media that they made announcements about the accident. Attorney Fidan Osoy also requested contact with those who saw the accident or who had some kind of knowledge by calling 0208 807 1676 or 07572109155.


Nilgün Akgün, who was a school teacher at Edmonton Wilbury Primary School was married with an 18-year-old daughter who is getting ready to start university very soon. She was originally from Bartın, Turkey.After the accident, Nilgün Akgüns body will be sent to Istanbul where the funeral will take place.

Her spouse Ibrahim Akgün requested that those who witnessed the accident on the day to contact himself on 07908688676 or the Police on 02085974874.

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