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Rising achievement from Marathon

MARATHON Science School, which has been educating the young people of our society with a better future goal through academic success and spiritual values education

Rising achievement from Marathon

MARATHON Science School, which has been educating the young people of our society with a better future goal through academic success and spiritual values education, is pleased about the GCSE achievements of grade 11 students which made a good start to 2017-2018 school year.Ömer Ö stated that 75% of the students graduated this year received 8 or more grade GCSEs.

Gökcek said, “We had an intense tempo last year with our teachers’ friends to get the success flame that we received to higher heights. As a result of this endeavour, all our students have got college records with good results. Besides this, all of them have completed A level course and this for our school is a traditional success.

We thank all of our students and educational leaders for their hard work. ” It was learned that students achieved 100% success in modern languages such as French, Spanish, German, Dutch and Turkish and also in Mathematics. Students have also gained 93% in Statistics, 75% in English and 67% in Science. This year, adding the Arabic GCSE exams to the school of achievement, the school said that GCSE has been awarded 6 grades in total. With these amazing results, Marathon students have successfully applied to the course of their choice and secured places in colleges such as Morpeth and Tower Hamlets, received fruit of the efforts of the last academic year.


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