Transport for London stated to Uber that they will be cancelling their licence by the end of September.
In a statement given by TFL, it is said Uber doesn’t operate under right grounds; it will not receive a ‘private rental operator’ licence.
Uber’s licence is set to be taken around 30th of September and by all means they have just 21 days to appeal against the decision made against them.
London Mayor Sadique Khan has given a statement about this issue stating:
“All companies in London should all play the game under the right rules, especially when the safety is important, companies should make sure they bring the safety levels to a much higher importance level.”
Tfl also stated that the safety level at Uber is very low and their responsibilities towards the safety of public are below average.
Uber was granted private transportation licence back in 2012 by Tfl with a 5 year time frame.