Page 22 - Ramadan 2022
P. 22
22 LG RAMADAN 2022
ARİNG for children dur- Ramadan with young kids:
ing Ramadan can be both
daunting and rewarding.
CHere are some tips on
making those long days of fasting,
while raising young children, a
little more manageable.
Ramadan shouldn’t be a month How to cope
of hardships and exhaustion, espe-
cially as kids pick up on stress,
which can affect them, so here are
some ways to make those long
days of fasting, while raising able to explain (in the simplest
way possible) what Ramadan is all
YOUNG CHILDREN, A LITTLE about. He’ll also be more aware of
MORE MANAGEABLE... our routine change and notice that
PREP MEALS IN ADVANCE his mummy and baba aren’t eating
during the day.
By teaching them about the
Children throw a spanner in the
works during Ramadan because importance of Ramadan from an
they require breakfast and lunch, early age, kids are instilled with
so not only do you have to prepare a sense of pride and love for this
an iftar and suhur meal, you need month and may even want to ‘join
to to make another two for the in’ with the festivities. And when
kids. That’s FOUR meals a day! children feel a strong cultural con-
Meal prepping for Ramadan is nection to their religion it increas-
essential when you have young es their self esteem and sense of
children. You could make the bulk belonging.
of their meal the day before when Get them involved from the
preparing iftar to avoid cooking onset by taking them to taraweeh
twice in a day (no one should be prayers (if it’s not too late), seek-
cooking more than once a day ing their help in meal prepping
during Ramadan, unless they’re a and decorating the house.
Also, if the weather is particularly MAKE IT SPECIAL
warm you might notice that kids If you turn Ramadan into a
become more fussy about what month of just resting at home
they eat as their appetite decreas- and complaining about tiredness
es and their thirst sky rockets. and hunger your children will
Avoid spending ages trying to automatically grow up having a
get them to finish their meals (or negative association with fasting.
even start it) by preparing ‘snacky It might not be possible to go on
lunches’ that they can pick and eat lots of fun outings during Rama-
themselves. Some healthy exam- dan but there are so many other,
ples include: carrot and cucumber simple ways to make this month
sticks, pasta salad, sandwiches, special for them.
cheese on toast, grilled chicken This could include:
pieces and lots of fruit. Letting them stay up a little later
to join you for iftar and taraweeh
GET THEM INVOLVED prayers. Young children can make
This is a great time to get your up for late bedtimes by having an
kids involved in Ramadan. My extra nap in the day. is very simple, a nicely decorated clean out an area in the house, own Ramadan advent calendar to
eldest will nearly be three-years- Setting the table with fancy plates table will make family meals so smile at the lady in the shop, etc. countdown the days until Eid.
old this year so I’m excited to be and cutlery, even if your iftar food much more appealing
Planning suhur midnight feasts – TEACH THEM ABOUT KEEP THEM OCCUPIED
who didn’t dream of having a mid- CHARITY DURING IFTAR
night feast as a kid?! Even if your What better month to learn about If you kids have eaten but are still
little ones cannot stay up that late, charity and giving than Rama- up and eyeing up mum and dad’s
you could set up a little feast sta- dan? Toddlers are by nature quite iftar ‘feast’ then make them a
tion while you pray taraweeh and egotistical and are usually used to snack box in advance that con-
eat with them intermittently. having their own way so this is a tains small bits of your iftar. Your
great time to teach them about the child can even pick their own
CREATE A GOOD DEEDS value of sharing and giving. En- snacks and treats that they get to
BUCKET LIST courage them to put money into eat as you break your fast
As well as having your own goals a charity jar that they can donate If all else fails and you find your-
this Ramadan, try to imple- at the Eid prayers. Decorate your self too tired and hungry to do
ment one for your children. This house Decorations, balloons and different activities everyday don’t
shouldn’t be too strenuous on lights – three things guaranteed to worry – no one expects you to be
them. spark joy and glee into any child. super parents during Ramadan.
Something simple like a checklist And you don’t need to spend a ton Just try your best and spend as
hung on a wall will do. Fill it with of money on eBay to achieve this, much quality time with them as
charitable activities that they can just spend an afternoon crafting you can, even if it is just reading
do such as donate old toys, dec- with your kids. Hang some twinkly a book or watching a film. Some-
orate some cookies for a relative, lights in their room, and a banner times all children need is your
craft a gift for a neighbour, help in the living room, or create your undivided attention and love.