Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1129
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 27 October 2022 3
Balıkçıoğlu Cabaret performed
"The Other Half of the Apple"
the Turkish Cypriot communi-
ty, Osman Balıkçıoğlu and the
Balıkçıoğlu cabaret theatre pre-
sented their recent theatre called
"The Other Half of the Apple".
The two-act tragicomic titled
"The Other Half of the Apple"
which Balikçıoğlu Cabaret The-
atre put on stage this year was
played on Sunday, October 23.
Turkish Cypriot actor There were two showing of the sored by The Turkish Ministry tor of TIKA, attended the theater
play for theatre lovers, the first at of Culture and Tourism. Hakan play.
15.00 to and the second at 20.00 Ergün, the consultant of the Dep- Balıkçıoğlu Cabaret Theater,
in the Millfield theatre, London. uty Ministry of Culture and Tour- which has been presenting plays
appeared in the TV series The theatre play touched upon ism of the Republic of Turkey, Ke- involving Cypriot culture to the
'Gangs of London' various social problems and made mal Tunca, the consultant of the Turkish-speaking community in
Deputy Ministry of Culture and England for nine years, made the
the audience think and laugh.
The musical theatre writtern Tourism of the Republic of Tur- audience laugh and entertained
by Osman Balıkçıoğlu was spon- key, and Uğur Tanyeli, the Direc- with its music with its new play.
HASS J Junior, who was born brand owners. In addition to be-
and raised in London, took part ing a very talented DJ he is also
in the second season of the series a model, actor and script writer.
'Gangs of London'. His passion for film has brought Mahmut Akay's short film has been nominated
Turkish Cypriot actor Hass J him to studying drama and work-
Junior previously announced ing on major film productions. as 'Best Documentary'
on his social media page that he Gangs of London is a British TURKISH Cypriot director Akay on his social media page this
would appear in the second sea- action-crime drama television Mahmut Akay's short film 'We're week, "Our film We're Home has
son of Gangs of London. Hass series produced by Pulse Films & Home', about the Turkish-speaking been nominated for the ‘Best Doc-
shared the trailer for the drama Sister, loosely based on the 2006 community in the UK, was nominat- umentary’ for the Oscar-qualifying
last week, saying, "Thank you video game of the same name, ed for the 'Best Documentary' for the film festival." London-born direc-
for all the support and kind mes- that follows the struggles be- Oscar-qualified İzmir film festival. tor Mahmut Akay has worked with
sages I've received. I still have a tween rival gangs and other crim- Successful director Mahmut Akay, brands such as Vogue, David Beck-
long way to go, but it is your kind inal organizations in present-day
words and support that made me London. The first season aired in who has achieved significant suc- ham and Wall's Ice Cream. His mov-
follow my dreams”. the UK on Sky Atlantic on April cess abroad, has attracted attention ies have been featured in magazines
Born in London Hass J. Junior 23, 2020. with his work titled 'We're Home', like The Hollywood Reporter, Yahoo,
is a British artist of Turkish Cyp- The series was created by Ga- with the symbolic destruction of The A.V Club and more. Akay, who
riot origin, his passion for enter- reth Evans, best known for The the Turkish-speaking demograph- previously made special statements
tainment started from a very ear- Raid action crime films with Matt ic, which has a large population in about his short film 'We're Home' to
ly age working as a DJ and events Flannery. the UK. The short film traverses a the London Gazette, spoke as fol- we’re lucky enough see them, then
organiser, he has contributed to A second series was announced jumble of Turkish-speaking people lows: “We’re Here’ was born out of chances are it will probably be about
over 25 years working with vari- in June 2020, with AMC tak- living in the UK, capturing the di- my disenchantment with the Brit- kebab restaurants. The problem
ous record labels, clubs & events ing over the US broadcast rights versity and reflections on their in- ish media’s under-representation with this symbolic annihilation is
in London and Essex, his events and co-producing it. The second visibility in the media. Despite the of the Turkish demographic in the that it permeates into other areas
and DJ talents have taken him as season premiered in the UK and short films recent release, it has al- United Kingdom. There’s estimated such as a lack of job opportunities,
far as Turkey, Cyprus, Spain, Italy Germany on October 20, 2022, ready been awarded the prestigious to be over 700,000 Turkish speak- stereotyping and prejudice. It’s not
and across UK and has connected and will be released in the United Vimeo Staff Pick award. According ing Brits, yet we seldom see any- just about the spotlight but it’s an
him to celebrities and high profile States on November 17, 2022. to a statement made by Mahmut thing about them on the media. If all-encompassing issue.’’
Koray Alpergin ‘beaten to death before burned body found in woods'
MASKED men threw a Turkish ra- girlfriend Gozde Dalbudak, 33, mis- tober, two days later, Mr Alpergin's
dio DJ and his girlfriend into a van sing. Ali Kavak, 25, Erdogan Ulcay, body was found by members of the
and beat him to death before dum- 55, and a boy, aged 17, appeared at public in a woodland area in Lou-
ping his burned body in the woods, the Old Bailey via prison video-links ghton, Essex. "The body was naked
a court has been told. The owner of on Tuesday charged with murder. and had sustained burns, bruises
Bizim FM’s tragic death shocked They are also accused of kidnap and and cuts." Adding a “preliminary re-
members of the Turkish speaking were remanded in custody ahead of port concluded strangulation, blunt
communities last weekend, fol- a plea hearing on January 6, with a forced trauma and damage to the
lowing missing appeals shared by fa- provisional trial date set for Septem- internal organs and ribs.” Ms Dalbu-
mily and friends across social media. ber next year. Prosecutor Nicholas dak was found unharmed. She had
Koray was snatched as he returned Hearn said: "They were attacked by been visiting from Istanbul. The tree
to his Enfield home with his partner individuals wearing white masks and males were all remanded in custody
on October 13, prosecutors allege. bundled into a van and taken to a ahead of their next plea and trial pre-
His body was found burned, bruised location and held there against their paration hearing on 6 January, with
and cut in Loughton, Essex, two days will. "Mr Alpergin was badly beaten the provisional trial set for Septem-
later, after friends reported him and and murdered. On Saturday 15 Oc- ber 18, 2023.