Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1129
P. 35
6 Londra Gazete, 27 October 2022
Rishi Sunak becomes the UK’s
new Prime Minister
SPEAKING on the steps of
Downing Street, Mr Sunak vowed
to fix the “mistakes” of Liz Truss’s
leadership and warned of “diffi-
cult decisions” ahead.
He promised to "earn" the na-
tion's trust as it stares down a
"profound economic crisis".
Mr Sunak also said his prede-
cessor, whose 49 days in office
made her the shortest-lasting PM
Fracking ban is reinstated in history, was “not wrong” to
want to drive up growth, describ-
by new PM ing it as a “noble aim”.
“But some mistakes were made.
Not born of ill will or bad inten-
THE moratorium on fracking few days in office that she would tions – quite the opposite, in fact. Hindu prime minister, the first of retary Ben Wallace.
in England has been restored by scrap the the moratorium on But mistakes nonetheless,” he Asian heritage, and the youngest While appointing Steve Bar-
Rishi Sunak, Downing Street con- fracking in England, to boost lo- added. for more than 200 years at the clay as Health Secretary, Michael
firmed on Wednesday. cal fossil fuel production amid the “I’ve been elected as leader of age of 42. On Wednesday 25 Oc- Gove as Levelling Up Secretary,
The Prime Minister’s official energy crisis. my party and your prime minis- tober Rishi Sunak has appointed
spokesman confirmed that Mr Fracking, which has been op- ter, in part, to fix them – and that his new cabinet, hours after offi- Victoria Prentis as Attorney Gen-
Sunak was committed to the ef- posed by environmental groups work begins immediately.” cially taking over as prime minis- eral and Kemi Badenoch as Inter-
fective ban on fracking set out in and some local communities, was Mr Sunak also said he will “al- ter. He has kept a number of min- national Trade Secretary.
the 2019 general election mani- banned in 2019 after the indus- ways be grateful” to Boris John- isters in the same posts they were Suella Braverman has returned
festo. try regulator said it was not pos- son for his “incredible achieve- in before - including Chancellor as home secretary - less than a
Mr Sunak’s predecessor, Liz sible to predict the magnitude of ments” in No 10. Jeremy Hunt, Foreign Secretary week after she resigned from the
Truss, had announced in her first earthquakes it might trigger. He enters No 10 as the UK’s first James Cleverly and Defence Sec- role over a data breach.
Prices of pasta, tea, chips Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delays key
and cooking oil soar economic plan until November
THE price of pasta, tea, chips The official inflation data
and cooking oil has soared, ac- measures the prices of 700 goods, HEATHROW Chancellor Jere- ity is "economic stability and re- "And for that reason the prime
cording to new data, with vegeta- but since May this year the ONS my Hunt has confirmed that the storing confidence that the United minister and I have decided that it
ble oil going up by 65% in a year. has started releasing a new data government will delay the high- Kingdom is a country that pays its is prudent to make that statement
Overall, the price of budget set, which measures the change ly-anticipated financial statement way". He said: "And for that rea- on the 17th of November, when it
food in supermarkets rose by 17% in price of 30 everyday grocery due on Halloween until November son the medium-term fiscal plans will be upgraded to a full Autumn
in the year to September, the Of- items across seven supermarkets. 17. The statement was originally is extremely important and I want Statement. "And I’ve discussed this
fice for National Statistics (ONS) This is the second time it has brought forward by Prime Minister to confirm that it will demonstrate last night with the governor of the
said. It comes as a separate ONS released this data. Rishi Sunak's successor, Liz Truss, debt falling over the medium term, Bank of England - he understands
report sheds light on the cost of It found sharp increases in the after her disastrous mini-budget which is very important for people the reasons for doing that and I’ll
living crisis. Inflation the rate at price of some household staples had spooked the markets. But Mr to understand. continue to work very closely with
which prices are rising - is at a 40- in supermarkets. Pasta prices rose Hunt has confirmed that he and "But it’s also extremely impor- him." Mr Hunt said he is willing to
year high. by 60% in the year to September PM had now jointly agreed to push tant that statement is based on the make “politically embarrassing”
Almost half of adults who pay 2022, while tea prices went up by back the announcement. Speaking most accurate possible economic choices and insisted a “short two-
energy bills and 30% paying rent almost 50%. on Tuesday he stressed that the forecasts and forecasts of public fi- and-a-half week delay” to his state-
or mortgages say these are diffi- Other everyday items such as government's number one prior- nances. ment is the best course of action.
cult to afford. chips, bread, biscuits and milk
Food prices drove the latest also recorded large increases.
rise in living costs in September, But some other items fell in
along with energy bills and trans- price during the period, including Uswitch: People turning to prepayment meters
port costs. orange juice and beef mince.
THE energy crisis is pushing Ministers promised to focus en- ters if they struggle to keep up
more households onto prepay- ergy support on the most vulner- with bills, because it helps them
ment gas and electricity meters, able in 2023. control how much and how often
research suggests. Most UK households pay their they pay for energy.
Comparison website Uswitch gas and electricity bills by direct Based on current trends,
said 60,000 new meters were debit, typically receiving quarter- Uswitch says around 10,000 pre-
installed in Britain in the six ly bills. payment meters will be installed
months to March, reversing a But using data from energy a month this winter, leaving
long-term trend of the number regulator Ofgem, Uswitch found thousands more households at
falling. that almost 7.4 million people in risk.
It says prepayment customers Britain were using prepayment Richard Neudegg, director of
are more likely to be vulnerable meters in March - up from over regulation at the site, said the
and at risk of being, in effect, 7.3 million in October last year. "worrying" trend followed more
disconnected when they cannot Uswitch said suppliers may put than two years in which the num-
afford to top up. customers on prepayment me- ber of meters fell.