Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1128
P. 35
6 Londra Gazete, 20 October 2022
MPs call Prime Minister’s
position 'increasingly untenable'
A number of Conservative MP Around half of voters believe
has expressed serious doubts Liz Truss should resign as prime
about Liz Truss's ability to con- minister in the wake of her disas-
tinue as prime minister. trous mini-budget, a new poll has
Speaking to Times Radio, Steve found.
Double MP for for St Austell and The survey, conducted by Ipsos,
Newquay said the PM's position found 53% of people believe Ms
was "increasingly untenable" - Truss should quit, while only 20%
and that she will most likely have believe she should stay on.
to "consider her position" soon. Meanwhile, just 13% of 1,000
He told Matt Chorley: "I think people surveyed between 14 and
her position is becoming increas- 17 October thought Ms Truss
ingly untenable. We've seen a is likely to win the next general
complete reversal of just about election.
everything she stood for in her On Tuesday, a separate poll by
leadership election campaign. YouGov found most Britons be-
"I think many of us are asking lieve the Labour Party will win
Minister can't give certainty exactly what does Liz Truss now the next general election.
believe and stand for?
The findings show that 60% of
over Pension triple lock abandoned virtually everything ry, while just 18% think the To- 530 Tory members, and found
"Because she seems to have the public expect a Labour victo-
that some 83% of paid-up Con-
that she told us she was about. I ries would win if an election were servative backers felt Ms Truss
FOREIGN Secretary James commitments "incredibly seri- think she is absolutely in the last to be held. was doing badly - with just 15%
Cleverly has said he cannot give ously". chance saloon...” Another YouGov poll surveyed saying she was doing well.
people "certainty" over how much "I know your viewers would
their pensions will increase by want me to give certainty here
next year. and now. I'm not in a position to
State pensions were due to do that because the announce- Great British Railways plan
rise by about 10% in April 2023, ments are going to be made in
which would take the weekly pay- the very, very near future by the ‘delayed’ as PM pulls transport bill
ment from £185.15 to just over chancellor," he said.
£200. "We've got to do the right thing
But the funding formula that to make sure we manage the THE government's plan to control the contracting of pas- call, realistically".
guaranteed that rise, known as economy well. We've got to make create a new body to run Brit- senger services and take over the The transport bill had been in-
the "triple lock" could be ditched sure that our cost of borrowing ain's railways has been delayed, management of infrastructure cluded in the Queen's speech to
to make savings. doesn't go up because that then the transport secretary has an- from Network Rail – putting it go ahead this session, and also
Many of the government's tax nounced. in control of setting fares and included measures in response
and spending plans have been has an impact on inflation and Anne-Marie Trevelyan said a timetables, with a single national to the P&O ferry dispute, around
thrown in doubt, ahead of a state- those bills as well." planned transport bill that would brand. the next phase of HS2 from
ment on 31 October. New Chancellor Jeremy Hunt legislate to set up Great British But appearing at the Commons Crewe to Manchester, and on new
This includes the pensions "tri- is due to give a statement on the Railways (GBR) would not go Transport Select Committee on technologies like E-Scooters and
ple lock", which guarantees pay- government's plans for tax and ahead in this parliamentary ses- Wednesday morning the cabinet self-driving vehicles.
ments would rise by whatever is spending on 31 October. sion. minister said the legislation re- Ms Trevelyan told MPs: "We will
higher - prices, average wages or All government departments The creation of GBR, an- quired would not get parliamen- have it fully legislated in the way
2.5%. have been told to find savings, nounced by Ms Trevelyan's prede- tary time in this session.
Asked whether the government and Mr Hunt has not ruled out cessor Grant Shapps in May last Asked whether this meant the that we need to in the next ses-
was still committed to the triple further tax hikes and spending year, had been due to go ahead in plan would not be implement- sion. So effectively being asked to
lock, Mr Cleverly told BBC Break- cuts to reassure financial markets early 2024. ed by early 2024 as planned, Ms shunt ourselves six months back-
fast ministers took manifesto and keep UK debt under control. The state-owned body would Trevelyan said this was "a fair wards."
US and UK hold emergency talks over Russian nuclear fears
THE US and Britain need to Mr Wallace pulled out of an conversations, frankly, you don’t
respond at “pace” to Vladimir appearance before the Commons want to have over the telephone.”
Putin’s increasing targeting of ci- defence committee on Tuesday Asked whether it was to discuss
vilian infrastructure and areas in so he could fly to Washington the nuclear threat: “What we do
Ukraine, a Cabinet minister said for the talks at the Pentagon and is discuss a full range of how we
on Wednesday. White House. help the Ukrainians to defend
Defence Secretary Ben Walla- Mr Cleverly insisted the talks in themselves.”
ce is holding emergency talks in Washington were a “normal and Last week, the Russian presi-
Washington amid increasing con- regular part of what is a very ab- dent unleashed the biggest wave
cerns over the threat of a nuclear normal and perverse situation”. of missile strikes against Ukraine
attack. But he said: “There’s urgency, since the beginning of the invasi-
Foreign Secretary James Cle- of course there’s urgency, becau- on in February.
verly stressed the “urgency” of se civilians are being targeted in a Putin cast the air strikes with
the situation and said the hi- new way and we have to respond missiles and drones as revenge
gh-level conversations could not to that and our response has got for an explosion that damaged
be carried out over the phone. to be done at pace and there are Russia’s Kerch Bridge to Crimea.