Page 34 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1107
P. 34
Londra Gazete, 26 May 2022 7
Typical energy bill set to rise
£800 a year in October
THE typical household energy ed: "We are expecting a price cap also been witnessing sharp price
bill is set to rise by about £800 a in the region of £2,800." rises.
year in October, the energy regu- It means the typical household Mr Brearley said that condi-
lator warns. bill could rise by £800 per year. tions in the global gas market had
Iceland to launch over-60s said the energy price cap, which land Wales and Scotland. "worsened" following Russia's in-
Ofgem boss Jonathan Brearley
Ofgem's price cap covers Eng-
vasion of Ukraine, which has led
discount as cost of living soars limits how much providers can Northern Ireland does not have to concerns about potential sup-
raise prices, is expected to in- a price cap, but households have ply issues.
ICELAND is to launch a new dis- launched from 24 May, with anyone crease to £2,800 a year, due to
count for shoppers who are over aged 60 or over able to use it every continued volatility in gas prices.
60, as soaring prices hit household Tuesday in-store at branches of Ice- Mr Brearley said the price rises
budgets. The supermarket chain said land and The Food Warehouse. were a "once in a generation event
it would offer over-60s 10% off every Shoppers will need to show proof not seen since the oil crisis in the
Tuesday to support its older custom- of age, such as a driving licence or 1970s".
ers through the cost of living crisis. senior bus or rail pass, and the dis- He also said the number of peo-
The move comes as supermarkets count will cover all products, with no ple in fuel poverty may double to
battle for customers, with prices ris- minimum spend. 12 million.
ing at their fastest rate for 40 years. Iceland said it was the first UK A household is in fuel poverty
Morrisons and Asda, which have supermarket to introduce such when it has to spend 10% or more
been losing shoppers to discounters a discount and decided to do so of its disposable income on ener-
Aldi and Lidl, have already cut prices. after research by Age UK found gy. The energy price cap already
Grocery prices were 5.9% higher three-quarters of older people in the rose sharply in April to £1,971,
in April than a year ago, according to UK were worried about the rising meaning that homes using a typ-
research company Kantar. cost of living. ical amount of gas and electricity
That figure was the biggest increase Last Christmas, Iceland also ran a are now paying an extra £700 per
since December 2011, with supply regional trial offering £30 vouchers year on average.
chain issues, increased raw material to those receiving state pension and Mr Brearley said that Ofgem
costs and the war in Ukraine all con- the company said it was now explor- was only part way through re-
tributing to rising food prices. ing a national rollout ready for this viewing prices ahead of setting
Iceland's new discount will be summer. the next cap in October, but add-