Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1107
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 26 May 2022                                                                                          9

                                                                       NHS treats record number of

                                                                          children for mental health

                                                                                problems every month

                                                                        A record number of children are
         Monkeypox: UK discovers 36 more cases                        now being treated for mental he-
                                                                      alth problems on the NHS, accor-
          THE UK Health Security Agen-   Downing  Street  has  said  there   ding to figures.
         cy (UKHSA) says it has detected  are no plans to hold a meeting of   Latest  NHS  figures  reveal
         36 additional cases of monkeypox  the Cobra emergency committee   420,000 under-18s were either un-
         in England.Adding in a new case  over monkeypox, or to impose any   dergoing treatment or waiting to
         found in Scotland on Monday, it  travel bans.                start in February.
         brings  the total  number of infec-  Chelsea and Westminster Hospi-  This is a 54 per cent rise in the
         tions in the UK to 57. The rare virus  tal in London has said "around 10"   number of young people seeking
         - which causes a rash and a fever -  staff in its sexual health clinic are   help compared to the same time in
         has  been seen around the  world  self-isolating at home after coming   2020, before the pandemic struck.
         in recent weeks, which is unusual.  into close contact  with a patient   Experts say Covid has exacerba-
         Health experts stress that the over-  with monkeypox.  Clinics have now   ted mental health conditions like
         all risk remains low, and that the  brought in stringent Personal Pro-  anxiety, depression and self-harm
         disease can be contained. Northern  tective Equipment requirements   among children. NHS services may   A survey of just over 1,000 GPs  health.
         Ireland's Public Health Agency and  when dealing with the virus. About   be overwhelmed by rising demand   last month by charity stem4 found   'As  these figures  show, demand
         Public Health Wales each said they  100 confirmed cases have been re-  for help, campaigners fear.   some children, even those who are  continues  to  skyrocket,  with  a
         have had no confirmed cases.  corded globally so far.          Virus restrictions and school clo-  self-harming, are not considered  third more children treated in Feb-
                                                                      sures  damaged  the  mental  health  sick enough to get treatment.  ruary this year compared to Febru-
                                                                      of UK children by disrupting their   In February, NHS statistics re-  ary 2020,' she said.
         New sight loss drug made available                           routines and decreasing social con-  vealed 37 per cent of those on wa-  She added that the NHS was
                 to thousands on the NHS                              tact with friends.             iting lists in 2020/21 were yet to  responding to this rising demand
                                                                        There are also concerns a number  start treatment by the end of the  by expanding mental health teams
          A new sight loss drug is to be   now wait up to 16 weeks betwe-  of young Britons suffering from  financial year.         in 4,700 schools and colleges and
         made available to thousands of   en doses, compared with eight   poor mental health are not getting   NHS England’s national mental  setting up 24/7 mental health cri-
         people on the NHS a week after   weeks for one current treatment,   the help they  need because they  health director, Claire Murdoch,  sis telephone support services for
         it was approved by the medicines   aflibercept.              don't meet the threshold to get  said the pandemic had 'inevitably'  all ages, which now receive 20,000
         regulator.                      After approval by the Medicines   help from the NHS.        taken a toll on the nation's mental  calls a month.
          Faricimab (Vabysmo) is an eye   and Healthcare products Regula-
         injection  made  by  Roche  which   tory Agency (MHRA), faricimab
         works to improve vision – or cut   has been given the green light by   `
         vision  loss  –  in  people  with  wet                           Study claims a bowl of cranberries
         age-related macular degeneration   the National Institute for Health
         (wet AMD) or diabetic macular   and Care Excellence (Nice) for
         oedema (DMO).                  use on the NHS.                     each day could improve memory
          Experts say the jab can be given   Nice said up to 300,000 peop-
         less frequently to some patients   le in England with AMD could   EATING a small bowl of  harden and form plaques  men and women who had
         than other available medicines.  be eligible for it, together with   cranberries every day could  in arteries, reducing blood  not been diagnosed with de-
          Data suggests some people can   28,000 people with DMO.
                                                                          help ward off dementia, re-  flow to the brain.          mentia at the start and end
                                                                          search suggested today.       Doctors recommend ea-      of the study.
         ‘Systemic racism in maternity care                               healthy older adults the  ded rather than consuming  zour said the group who ate
                                                                           Scientists tested giving  ting cranberries raw or blen-
                                                                                                                                     Lead author Dr David Vau-
               endangering BAME women’                                    equivalent  of  100g  of  the  them in cranberry juice,  cranberries had 'significant-
                                                                          fruit each day.             which is often laden in su-  ly improved' memory.
          SYSTEMIC racism in mater-     damage, and a dearth of choice     Volunteers who ate a pow-  gar.                           They  also  saw  better  cir-
         nity care means health professi-  and informed consent.          dered version of the fruit    The paper, in Frontiers  culation to important parts
         onals are endangering the safety   More than half of the just over   which has a notoriously bit-  in Nutrition, analysed blo-  of the brain that support ta-
         and wellbeing of hundreds of   1,000 people polled reported that   ter taste were found to have  od tests and MRI scans in  king in knowledge, he said.
         women from black and minority   their worries about their own or   a better memory recall after
         ethnic backgrounds, according to   their babies’ health were “dismis-  12 weeks.
         a new study.                   sed, ignored, or disbelieved”.     And MRI scans showed
          A year-long inquiry, carried out   Meanwhile  healthcare  pro-  those eating cranberries had
         by pregnancy charity Birthrights,   fessionals told researchers they   better blood flow to impor-
         found racism is also impeding the   experienced a “discriminatory   tant parts of the brain.
         “dignity, choice, autonomy, and   culture” which involved a lack   People given cranberries
         equality” of women from black   of representation at senior level,   also had 9 per cent lower
         and  minority  ethnic  (BME)  ba-  as  well  as  “prejudice,  ignorance,   bad cholesterol levels, ac-
         ckgrounds.                     thoughtlessness, and racist ste-  cording to the University of
          BME women who presented       reotyping within the workforce”.  East Anglia study. The team
         evidence said they were subjected   The study found women, healt-  wrote this 'may in part cont-
         to racism and microaggressions,   hcare professionals and lawyers   ribute to the improvement
         as well as damaging cultural as-  stated serious medical conditions   in brain perfusion and cog-
         sumptions. Respondents also re-  are often overlooked due to the   nition'.
         ported coercion, incidents invol-  patient’s skin colour - giving the   LDL 'bad' cholesterol can
         ving physical and psychological   examples of sepsis and jaundice.
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