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News In English

AFTER the earthquakes affected Turkey and Syria, two separate commemorations were held in London by the Democratic Forces Union and the Enfield Alevi Cultural Centre in solidarity with the earthquake victims and to commemorate those who lost their lives. On Sunday, February 19, a ceremony was held in Trafalgar Square...
Community groups and members of the Turkish-speaking communities continue their effort to help those affected by the deadly earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. Thousands of donation boxes filled with essential items have been sent to the hit regions from across the UK over the last 2 weeks. Many drop-off points were...
Rescuers are once again searching for people trapped under rubble in Türkiye after another earthquake hit the country, killing at least six people last night. A 6.4 magnitude tremor struck near the city of Antakya near the border with Syria, where massive quakes devastated both countries on 6 February. The...
Driver admits killing a beautician Yagmur Ozden by ploughing his Range Rover into a Tesla dealership before landing on tracks at Park Royal Tube station A driver has admitted killing a beautician when he ploughed his Range Rover through a Tesla dealership and ended up on a west London railway track....
LONDON Fashion Week kicked off on Friday, with organisers dedicating the five-day event saw designers pay respect to the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, while the British Fashion Council (BFC) dedicated this season’s London Fashion Week to iconic designer Dame Vivienne Westwood, who died on 29 December...
A 6.4-magnitude tremor was felt in the Turkish province of Hatay which had already been damaged by the deadly earthquake that hit Türkiye on February 6, has been reported by the Turkish Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD). According to media reports, there has been destruction as a result of...
At least two mosques in London have received Islamophobic letters following the Turkey-Syria earthquakes. The author of a letter received by Erkin Guney, chairman of Masjid Ramadan mosque, in Hackney, said they “could not stop smiling” seeing the footage of the disaster. The father of three said his “stomach turned”...
A High Court judgement that regulations affecting more than 2.5m EU citizens living in the UK are unlawful will not be challenged by the government. The Home Office has confirmed it will not appeal against the ruling, despite previously indicating it would do so. Many EU citizens could have faced...
LONDON is the world’s slowest city to drive in, according to new research. It took an average of 36 minutes and 20 seconds to travel 6.2 miles (10 km) in the centre of the capital in 2022, TomTom said. That was almost two minutes slower than 2021 and represents the...
PRICES for olive oil, sugar and low-fat milk have surged with food costs continuing to fuel inflation in the UK. The goods have all increased by more than 40% in the year to January, official figures show, with food inflation remaining at a 45-year high. Overall UK price inflation fell...
ON Tuesday The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan meet with community groups in London who have been helping in aid donations for Tukery and Syria. Following the two earthquakes on February 7 members of the Turkish-speaking communities across London have been working on a number of appeal and donation campaigns...
King Charles has visited a community in Hounslow who have been sending relief parcels to those effected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey. The monarch, 74, spoke with volunteers in West London about their efforts to send food, blankets and warm clothing to people whose lives have been turned upside by the natural disaster....
Capital Radio DJ Ant Payne has apologised after making a joke about earthquake-hit Turkey while on air. The DJ, who hosts the 4pm to 7pm drivetime slot, said on air between songs: “I think now actually is the best time to start looking at some cheap flights away to Turkey...
Turkish Speaking communities across the country have rallied over the last week, collecting donations and essentials to send to those affected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. So far over 35,000 lives have been lost from the deadly quakes, some 80,000 people are being treated in hospitals and...
Hundreds of mourners gathered for the funerals of those who were killed in last week’s earthquake while in Türkiye for a school volleyball tournament, on Sunday. Threetheen funerals were held back-to-back in Gazimağusa, Yeniboğaziçi, Dörtyol and Mormenekşe for the  Turkish Maarif College volleyball team students killed in the quakes. 39...
£60 million has been donated by the UK public in 3 days. Speaking to SKy this morning Saleh Saeed, chief executive of the Disasters Emergency Committee, said the needs in Turkey and Syria are “absolutely huge”, adding that there is “still hope” that people will be found in the rubble...
A number of petitions have been started in the UK calling on the government to help support families affected by the earthquakes. So far nearly 3,000 people have signed a petition on called “Help! Easing and expediting family reunification due to the earthquake disaster in Türkiye” In the description...
A petition has been launched in the UK, calling on the government to create a Family Scheme visa for Turkish families. The petition said: “Create a Turkish Family Scheme visa for people homeless due to the earthquake “I would like the Government to help and support people in Turkey, officially...