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The seasonal Theatre week concludes with great enthusiasm

The seasonal Theatre week concludes with great enthusiasm

The “Seasonal Performers Theatre Week,” (Mevsimlik oyuncular tiyatro haftası) organized to provide a breath of fresh air and bring theatre enthusiasts together post-pandemic, concluded with great enthusiasm. Held from June 18-22, the event attracted significant attention from audiences and featured unforgettable moments.

Founded as an acting course for adults by instructors Eda Çatalçam and Fatih Dönmez in 2020, presented a rich program this year. The program showcased performances by Module 1 and Module 2 students, who had been working on their plays throughout the year, delighting theatre lovers.

The theatre week took place at 16 Northwold Rd, London N16 7HR. Over five days, it featured three different plays, a stand-up show, and a talk, offering theatre enthusiasts memorable experiences.

In a statement to our newspaper, Eda Çatalçam said, “The Theatre Week, which we organized for the first time this year, exceeded our expectations in terms of participation and productivity. We thank everyone who contributed and our loyal audience. It was particularly valuable to connect with young viewers who don’t often get the chance to see Turkish theatre. Performing special plays for 10th-grade students and closing our theatre week with the ‘Kumpanya’ play accompanied by the ‘Tırsıks’ dance group was beyond wonderful. Through the ‘Askıda Bilet’ application, we were able to meet many theatre enthusiasts. We hope that the journey we embarked on with the slogan ‘Because fairy tales know no boundaries and theatre is for everyone’ has left pleasant memories for everyone involved. I would also like to thank Stonna, Dünyada Kitap, Abs Transport, Robin Food, TB Mag, and Lena Social Club for not leaving us alone on this journey.”


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