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Artist Gülsin Onay performed a memorable charity concert

Artist Gülsin Onay performed a memorable charity concert

Renowned Artist Gülsin Onay, this time performed a concert in London in support of the Nature and Environment Protection Association (DOĞÇEV).

At a charity concert held at the home of her former student and founder of the Deren Piano Academy, Deren Eryılmaz, Gülsin Onay presented works by Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Maurice Ravel, Ahmet Adnan Saygun, and Frédéric Chopin.

Established in London, Deren Eryılmaz, who helps young people in music at her piano academy, organized her first official concert at her home in support of DOĞÇEV, which works to protect all kinds of creatures in nature and raise awareness about the environment. Gülsin Onay, who attended the concert with her husband, Tony Scholl, a mathematics professor in Cambridge, expressed her great pleasure at being part of this meaningful concert. After Onay’s performance, her husband, Tony Scholl, also played the piano. The couple performed a piece by Antonín Dvořák for the audience.

Following the concert, Onay invited young musician Can Arısoy, a student at the Guildhall School of Music and winner of numerous international awards, to join the guests. Arısoy, recognized by the UK Arts Council as a concert pianist and a globally outstanding talent, performed a piece by Debussy amidst applause.

The surprise of the day came from 12-year-old Alp Küçükyıldız, also a student at the Guildhall School of Music. The young musician received great applause from Gülsin Onay and the guests after performing a piece by Bach.


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