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Millions expected to visit poppies

Visitors advised to plan their visit – and to possibly come earlier or later than would expect

Millions expected to visit poppies




People hoping to visit the Tower of London to catch a glimpse of the sea of ceramic poppies in memory of Britain’s war dead have been urged to plan their trips carefully as huge crowds continue to flock to the memorial.

The public were urged to postpone their visits to the site last week due to overcrowding during the school half-term holiday.

But despite pupils across the country returning to schools this week, Transport for London (TfL) said there remained a “large pedestrian presence” around the Tower of London.

Up to four million people are expected to visit the installation, Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red, which was created by ceramic artist Paul Cummins.

By Armistice Day on November 11 there will be 888,246 ceramic poppies planted, one for each British and colonial death during the conflict which began 100 years ago.

A spokeswoman for Historic Royal Palaces, which manages the site, said today: “It’s still quite busy so we’re advising visitors to plan their trips carefully.

“We’re encouraging people to visit earlier in the day, before 10am, or later in the day, after 6pm.”

Phil Hufton, London Underground’s chief operating officer, said Tower Hill station near the memorial had been “extremely busy” and occasionally the station was being closed on police advice.

TfL has urged visitors to the Tower of London to travel to nearby Tube stations Aldgate or Aldgate East or take the DLR to Tower Gateway.

Commuters have also been asked to consider travelling to London Bridge and then walk, cycle or take a bus. Motorists have also been advised not to drive in the area.


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