Labour candidates for the upcoming general election Joan Ryan, Kate Osamor, Catherine West, David Lammy and İbrahim Doğuş met with the Turkish speaking communities at Bozca-Der.
Labour candidates for the upcoming general election Joan Ryan, Kate Osamor, Catherine West, David Lammy and İbrahim Doğuş met with the Turkish speaking communities at Bozca-Der.
The event that took place on 19 May last week, attracted a high level of interest and participation from the community. Kate Osamor, talking first at the event remarked that as a government, Labour will be dedicated to fix the problems that have been caused by the Conservative Government.
“We need to stand up and be strong. Some of Turkish MPs were promptly arrested just right after coming here and giving speeches at Westminster. We all agree on the fact that this is quite saddening. I believe in working internationally as we are internationalists.” Said Ms Osamor.
Speaking after Kate Osamor, Tottenham MP David Lammy remarked then fact that the question “Why should I vote Labour” isn’t the question but it is whether we want a safe, educative, beneficial and brighter future for our children and next generations. Mr Lammy said if this is what we want, the answer should be in favour of voting Labour.
Mr Lammy also remarked the fact that the world is going through a very hectic phase as leaders like Donald Trump, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Vladamir Putin makes him scared in a way that they thrive to darken and block freedom of speech and human rights.