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Once a cinema, now a mosque

İsmail Çoban, a director at one of London’s largest Turkish religious foundations, reminds us that a mosque is not just for Ramadan

Once a cinema, now a mosque


İsmail Çoban, a director at one of London’s largest Turkish religious foundations, reminds us that a mosque is not just for Ramadan
İsmail Çoban

İsmail Çoban, from the Aziziye Mosque

By Yasemin Bakan

When was Aziziye Mosque first opened?

Our mosque has a thirty-year history and it the largest and oldest mosque belonging to the Turkish community. This building was originally a cinema but starting in 1990 it was gradually converted into its present state.

We do have officials here from the Department for Religious Affairs (Diyanet) in Turkey, but this are an independent mosque connected to that department. As we are Diyanet staff and are only temporarily posted to this country, we can only relate what was told to us – the man who knows the most about this mosque is Fahri Baltan, whose name is effectively remembered in tandem with Aziziye.

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What kind of services does the mosque offer?

The mosque is open from 11am until after the final prayers at night, meaning it is possible to pray here five times a day. We offer Quran classes on Tuesdays for adults and on Wednesdays for younger people. Commentary sessions on the Quran are offered by us every Friday night beginning at 7pm.

At the weekend, between 11am and 3.30pm, Diyanet officials teach children on a wide range of subjects from the Quran and religious information to Turkish language and culture.

We also offer Quran classes for ladies with female tutors – these happen on Tuesdays and weekends – as well as marriage ceremonies that are recognised by the authorities in this country, and programmes to allow congregants to go on the Hajj.

What are Aziziye’s plans for Ramadan?

With the arrival of Ramadan, we are offering Quran readings and interpretative sessions after afternoon prayers at 1.45pm. There are further prayers in the evenings after the night-time adhan.

What responsibilities do Imams have?

Men of religion are guides to the true and beautiful. Their first duty is to behave in a manner that befits their office and to practice what they preach. They must be a person who has no expectation from any other than God and to be satisfied within, and to treat everyone in the community equally.

Is there a reason why women tend to go to mosque in fewer numbers than men?

It is certainly true that women tend to be given a far smaller space than men for worship as mosques are being constructed. It is an undeniable truth that we have pushed women from the atmosphere, congregation and an ability to acquire true and firm information about religion – this is a negative legacy of our history.

But beyond this there is an undeniable truth that women, with housework and raising children, do not always find the time to join the congregation. Today we have women who work in all aspects of life.

[/two_third][one_third last=”yes”][otw_shortcode_info_box border_type=”bordered” border_color_class=”otw-silver-border” border_style=”bordered” background_color_class=”otw-silver” border_color=”#2B5243″ background_color=”#2B5243″]What invalidates a fast?

1. Swallowing any substance: cotton, paper, an olive seed, a large quantity of salt etc.
2. Taking medicine through the nose;
3. The dye from any thread that is taken in the mouth;
4. Involuntarily swallowing snow or rain (voluntarily swallowing it requires a penance);
5. Swallowing any morsel of food left between the teeth as large as a chickpea;
6. Accidentally swallowing any water while doing your pre-prayer ablutions;
7. When, after accidentally eating or drinking during daylight hours, assuming your fast is invalid and continuing to eat;
8. Voluntarily inhaling smoke;
9. Breaking your fast after mistakenly assuming the sun has already set;
10. Continuing to eat after sunrise.

Aziziye Mosque in Stoke Newington

Aziziye Mosque in Stoke Newington

In what circumstances does one abstain from fasting during Ramadan?

The main reasons are firstly, illness that presents fasting, and second, if you are travelling a long distance, but this second reason is qualified by adding that “fasting is always more beneficial”. This means that Muslims should try as much as possible to fast rather than find reasons not to.

Anyone who feels they have a reason not to fast should consult a learned person.

What about during air travel?

There are exceptions for people travelling exceptionally long distances but, as I mentioned already, the teachings of Islam should be kept in mind. This can be useful on occasions when, for example, one is taking an intercontinental flight.

People always ask when Ramadan falls in the summer months: can one swim in the sea while fasting?

Swimming in the sea will not invalidate one’s fast but given there is a risk of water escaping down one’s throat, it is not recommended. Invalidating your fast for a little bit of fun does not suit good Muslim brothers and sisters.

And what is Aziziye Mosque’s Ramadan message?

For all our brothers and sisters working away from their home country to earn a living for their families: we request from our Supreme Maker that achieve success in business, lawful earnings, comfort in their homes and a healthy month of Ramadan.

The greatest decoration of any mosque is its people: with this in mind, we call on all believers to honour us with their presence both during the month of Ramadan and at all other times.

My thanks to you and your organisation for giving us this opportunity to reach out to the community and wish everyone in the community a very happy and prosperous Eid holiday.

[otw_shortcode_info_box border_type=”bordered” border_color_class=”otw-silver-border” border_style=”bordered” background_color_class=”otw-silver”]Contact Aziziye

The Aziziye Mosque is based in the North London district of Stoke Newington, near Rectory Road station on London Overground.

Address: 117 Stoke Newington Road, London, N16 8BU
Telephone: 020 7254 0046


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