LFA’nin çeşitli kupalarında yer alan, London Sunday Challenge Cup’ı kazanma başarısı gösteren Akıncılar Kulübü, 19 Mart 2014 tarihli yazıyla kararını bildirdi.
Yazıda, kulüpte bir süreden beri yaşanan yönetim-futbolcu krizine değinilirken, geçen Pazar günü menajer ve futbolcuların sahadan çekilmelerini asla tasvip etmedikleri sportmenlik dışı davranış olarak değerlendirdiklerine değinildi. Parasal olarak da uzun süreden beri Akıncılar camiasının ilgisizliği de vurgulanarak kulübün artık tüm faaliyetlerinin sadece Başkan Ramadan Rıfat’a kaldığına işaret edildi.
1994 yıllından beri faaliyet gösteren Akıncılar’ın günün sonunda havlu atmak durumunda kaldığı Kulüp Sekreteri Osman H.Osman’ın LFA’ye gönderdiği yazıda belirtildi.
LFA’ye gönderilen yazı şöyle:
Akincilar Football Club
147 Salisbury Avenue, Barking, Essex. IG11 9XR
19th March 2014
The Secretary
London Football Association
11 Hurlingham Business Park
Sulivan Road
Dear Mr. Fowkes,
Re: Club withdrawal and dissolvement from all competitions
It is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the withdrawal and dissolvement of Akincilar Football Club from immediate effect.
Circumstances that we have tried to resolve this season between the club officials and playing members of the team surfaced and was very evident at Sundays game, resulting in the team and manager refusing to continue the second half of the game for reasons which were unacceptable to us and highly un-sportsman like on their behalf.
Another of the issues we had was the lack of interest in our club/team from the Akincilar Community, which we have represented since our inception back in 1994. Toward the end it all fell mostly to one person to keep it together, our chairman, Ramadan. He was the most, if not the only consistently pro-active member of the club to raise funds, organize match days and keep everyone focussed, in the end it took it’s toll and he had to reluctantly throw in the towel.
With sincere regrets and regards,
Osman H. Osman
Act. Secretary
For and on behalf of our chairman, Ramadan Rifat