Türk Toplumu Futbol Federasyonu çatısı altında Türk Ligi’nde aralıksız 1994 yılından beri faaliyet gösteren Akıncılar Kulübü’nün şok kapatma kararının yankıları sürerken, yönetimi karardan vazgeçirme çabaları sonuç vermedi.
Eski Başkan ve bu yıl Futbol Direktörü olarak görev yapan Ramadan Rıfat’tan sonra TTFF nezdindeki Sekteri Osman H. Osman da, karara destek verdiğini söyledi. Yalnız kaldıklarını söyleyen Osman, 19 Mart 2014 tarihli kulübün antetli kağıdıyla Federasyona aşağıdaki yazıyı gönderdi.
Yazıda kulüpte yaşananlar ve son haftaki gelişmeler anlatıldıktan sonra TTFF’den özür dilendi. Sekreter Osman H.Osman, Türk Ligi’nde Federasyonun da desteğiyle güzel günler yaşadıklarını söyleyerek, teşekkür etti. Osman, TTFF Başkanı Turgut Esendağlı’yı ligin profilini yükseltici başarılı çalışmaları nedeniyle de kutladı.
Akincilar Football Club
147 Salisbury Avenue, Barking, Essex. IG11 9XR
19th March 2014
The Secretary/Chairman
Turkish Community Football Federation
R/o 259 Green Lanes
N13 4XE
Dear Mr. Chairman, Turgut,
Re: Club withdrawal and dissolvement from all competitions
It is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the withdrawal and dissolvement of Akincilar Football Club from immediate effect.
Circumstances that we have tried to resolve this season between the club officials and playing members of the team surfaced and was very evident at Sundays game, resulting in the team and manager refusing to continue the second half of the game for reasons which were unacceptable and highly un-sportsman like.
Another of the issues we had was the lack of interest in our club/team from the Akincilar Community, which we have represented since our inception back in 1994. Toward the end it all fell mostly to one person to keep it together, our chairman, Ramadan. He was the most, if not the only cosistently pro-active member of the club to raise funds, organize match days and keep everyone focussed, in the end it took it’s toll and he had to reluctantly throw in the towel.
Please accept our sincere apologies, as under your leadership in the T.C.F.F we have had our best years and cannot thank you enough for all the advice given not only to us, but all the clubs within the league. Your efforts in raising the profile of the league under very trying circumstances have been exceptional, for this we must congratulate you.
With sincere regrets and utmost regards,
Osman H. Osman
Act. Secretary
For and on behalf of our chairman, Ramadan Rifat