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Haringey rolls out EV charging points

Haringey is leading the charge with the rapid roll-out of electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure.

Leader Cllr Peray Ahmet and Cabinet Member Cllr Mike Hakata visited Lymington Avenue in Noel Park to see one of the EV chargers to be installed.

The roll-out of this EV infrastructure will help improve air quality and create a fairer, greener borough.

With the increasing popularity of EVs, the council has already installed 245 on-street charging facilities to meet the rising demand, with more planned for the autumn.

The new charging points feature dual sockets on each side, capable of simultaneously charging two vehicles.

Additionally, the majority of the planned EV points will be situated on traffic islands or buildouts to preserve pedestrian access and avoid obstructing footways.

The installation and management of these charging points will be overseen by Total Energies Charging Solutions UK Limited.

You can find the location of, and information on, EV charging points in the borough here.

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