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Limasollular Charity UK supports “the Butterflies’ Dance”

Turkish Cypriot author Sunay Yakup Yakupsoy’s third book “Butterflies’’ Dance” was presented to the Turkish speaking communities in Haringey through the sponsorship of Limasollular charity. The income through the sales are to be accumulated for Limasollu Derneği for future projects.

Northern Cyprus London Representative Zehra Başaran and Limasollular Chairty UK President Arife Retvan were amongst the attendees of the event.


Reaching her readers base through her third book The Butterflies’ Dance, expressed her feelings in her speech as follows:

“My passion for writing comes from my past and childhood. I have always accumulated and saved my writings for future in the hope of reaching out to wider reader bases. Today I see that in addition to my family and friends there is a range of people which make me feel so happy and therefore I realise I am doing the right job. I would to thank everyone who helped the creation of this event”


Limassollular Charity UK President Arife Retvan, in her speech said that as a charity their support will always resume for artists.

“We organise our events to bring communities together in hopes of delivering a good environment”

Northern Cyprus London Representative Zehra Başaran, on the other hand said everything in life has their time and therefore now Sunay Yakupsoy’s time seems to have arrived. Ms Başaran also assured the attendees that she herself also will be there to support art and artists.


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