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“What kind of Brexit do we want?”

Day-Mer community centre organised an event tackling the Brexit in general and its posible consequences.

The question “What kind of Brexit do we want?” was discussed amongst the speakers and audience in hopes of a more clarity in the future steps. Attending as speakers were the Chief Editor of Ben Chacko and the former representative of the recently shut down Hayatın Sesi TV Orhan Dil. The panel was also moderated by Day-Mer’s secretary, Oktay Şahbaz.

Defending that Brexit can create a fair environment for anti-imperialist pursuits, Mr Şahbaz said a possible breakdown of EU can be good for labourers in the future for a fair work arena.

Speaking after Mr Şahbaz, Orhan Dil suggested that the decision of Brexit suggests more than just leaving the EU, but a stand out against EU stakeholders.

“Brexit isn’t a UKIP victory – the decision of Brexit signifies the poise of labourers and their resistance to be silenced”

Ben Chacko, on the other hand, said the aftermath of Brexit may create many jobs for those in need when it also can reduce numbers of available jobs, when the UK leaves the single market. The panel then was opened up to the audience for questions and comments.

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