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Women’s Platform handicraft courses to begin

UK Women’s Platform (WP), one of the most active women’s charities in London is organising a brand new course for those who would like to enhance and wake their inner artists through handicrafts.

WP’s director Nilgün Yıldırım briefed on the community regarding the booking processes. The well-known handicraft teacher from international expertise Ayşe Özgün Yağcıoğlu will be leading the courses. It has been clarified that the courses require booking.

For bookings please call 07578238733

The courses will require for students to bring pencil, eraser, cardboard and scissors with them.

The course will start on 30 January Monday:

Time: 13.00- 17.00

Address: Spot Raiders, 154 Green Lanes, LONDON N16 9DL

(141-341 buses to depart on Newington Church)


WP also organised a special screening for the famous film “Bliss” over a discussion supported and organised with the Lifetime Learning.


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