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Turkish clarinetist took London by storm


In conjunction with the superbly talented pianist Lysienne Chen, Turkish clarinetist Özlem Çelik met with the London audience last Monday at the Wren Church of St Martin’s, based in St Paul’s.

Compiling impacable western composers like Francis Pulenc, Franz Liszr, Debussy and George Gershwin the duo also comprised late Turkish composer’s Adnan Saygun’s pieces for their grand finale. Upon the finale, the duo attracted a high level of endorsements and greetings from the audience. Çelik and Chen also said that they are hoping to meet the London and UK-based audiences more in the upcoming new year.


Ozlem is currently playing as a versatile principal clarinettist in various orchestras and groups across the U.K. and has established herself as a solo and chamber musician of distinction.

Ozlem’s  musical education began in Dokuz Eylul University State Conservatory, where she studied clarinet with Atif Peynirci and chamber music with oboist Murat Ozulgen, principals of the Izmir State Symphony Orchestra. During her studies which culminated in a degree ducation she also took periodic lessons with Nusret Ispir who is principal player of Bilkent Symphony Orchestra. She participated in masterclasses with Alain Damiens, Nicholas Baldeyrou and Sarah Elbaz at Bilkent Clarinet Festival and attended the International Clarinet Festival and studied with Guy Deplus, Alexander Fitterstein and Karl Heinz Steffens. She had got chance to attend masterclasses with Karl Leister, Patrick Messina, Martin Fröst, Andrew Marriner, Robert Plane, Michael Collins during her education in London.

Ozlem is an experienced orchestral player. In 2005 she was appointed to a chair at the Izmir State Opera and Ballet Orchestra as second and bass clarinettist. For the next four years she held this position, as well as performing on occasions as guest clarinettist for the Antalya State Opera and Ballet Orchestra and the Antalya and Bursa Symphony Orchestras. In 2009 she was appointed to a permanent position as Principal Clarinet in the Samsun State Opera and Ballet.

Ozlem Celik is currently based in London, completed the MA in Performance programme at the Royal Academy of Music, 2016. She was delighted to be awarded a full scholarship by the Borusan Philarmonic Orchestra. Ozlem was also awarded a scholarship by the Royal Academy of Music in 2016 and is supported by Talent Unlimited. Ozlem Celik studied clarinet with Angela Malsbury and Timothy Lines, E flat clarinet with Chi Yu Mo and bass clarinet with Laurent Ben Slimaneat the Royal Academy of Music.

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