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Centre for Kurdish Progress on Rojava Revolution


London based Centre for Kurdish Progress invited the author of “Rojava’a Devrim” (Revolution in Rojava) Ercan Ayboğa and the translator of the book Janet Biehl.

Taking place at the SOAS, on 4 November 2016, the session was moderated by Nadje Al Ali from the University of SOAS, also tackling the recent developments in Turkey which have been widely against the government turning on the pro-Kurdish political party HDP, by arresting the vice presidents and MPs. Al Ali, said it is “worrying” that the West is keeping silent to all these climaxes.

The translator of the book, Janet Biehl, said the book tackles an ungoverned system by referring to a past treaty named Sykes-Picot, which was signed in the Middle East that was led by France and the UK. Referring to many aspects like the birth of PKK in the 80s, the conference tackled a lot on how these regimes and movements were incepted in Rojava, in the first place.

The author Ercan Ayboğa, on the other hand, tackled the historical developments of communities through education, arts, culture and political discourse. Remarking that the Kurds have incepted a democratic foundation by escaping from and avoiding authoritarian regimes, Mr Ayboğa tackled the Kurdish prospects as both worrying but hopeful at the same time.

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