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“SPOT” on Turkey’s battle for democracy



SPOT (Solidarity with People of Turkey) is organising a conference on the Turkey’s battle for democracy after the failed coup.

The press release says Turkey, as a fast forwarding towards a dictatorship,  and it is no exaggeration to say that the country’s fragile democracy faces further destruction if a strong movement in defence of democracy and human rights is not urgently built.

SPOT is committed to supporting a strong democratic movement in Turkey and in partnership with the NUT, invites you to join journalists, trade unionists, minority activists and human rights campaigners from both Turkey and the UK at its official launch and conference on 29 October 2016 (10am-5pm).

The conference will provide a timely opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the situation in Turkey and make links between progressive individuals and movements in both countries. Confirmed speakers include:

– Christine Blower, President, ETUCE

– Chris Bough, Assistant General Secretary, PCS

– Ege Dundar, Journalist/Activist, PEN International

– Prof. Dr Sebnem Korur Fincanci, Chair, Turkey Human Rights Foundation

– Lindsey German, National Convenor of Stop the War Coalition

– Kate Osamor, Labour MP for Edmonton

– Fatih Polat, Chief Editor, Evrensel Daily

– Fehim Tastekin, Journalist, Al Monitor

– Owen Tudor, Head of EU & International Relations, TUC

– Thomas Marois, Senior Lecturer, SOAS

– Prof. Dr Ibrahim Sirkeci, Regents University London

– Aydin Cubukcu, Author / Journalist, Hayatin Sesi TV

For registration inquiries and questions, please reach:


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