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New GP practice in Tottenham Hale is officially open

A new GP practice in Tottenham Hale was officially opened yesterday (Monday 10 October) by the Mayor of Haringey, Councillor Ali Gul Ozbek.

New GP practice in Tottenham Hale is officially open



Picture credits: David Tothill

 A new GP practice in Tottenham Hale was officially opened yesterday (Monday 10 October) by the Mayor of Haringey, Councillor Ali Gul Ozbek.  The new practice has started with a patient list of zero and will allow around 7,000 people to register with a GP.

The opening of this new GP practice – Tottenham Hale Medical Practice – is the result of a collaboration between Haringey CCG, Haringey Council, Healthwatch Haringey, NHS England and Lee Valley Estates.  It will provide much needed primary care capacity for residents in the Tottenham Hale area.

At the opening event, short speeches were given by David Lammy MP, Councillor Jason Arthur, Lead Member for Health; Dr Peter Christian, Haringey CCG’s Chair, Sharon Grant, Healthwatch Chair and Liz Wise, Director of Primary Care Commissioning at NHS England (London Region).  The ribbon was cut by the Mayor of Haringey.


Attendees had a tour of the practice and an opportunity to meet practice staff from Lawrence House Surgery who will be running the new practice.

Dr Peter Christian, Haringey CCG’s Chair said: “It has taken a solid collaborative effort to make opening the new GP surgery in Tottenham Hale a reality and we would like to thank everyone involved for their hard work. We are delighted that local residents will now be able to access primary care services much more easily, when they need it.”

Jason Arthur, Haringey Cabinet Member for Finance & Health said: “We have worked really hard to get a new GP practice for Tottenham Hale to give residents quality health care when they need it. The new Tottenham Hale GP practice will make Haringey a healthier borough.”

Sharon Grant OBE, Chair, Healthwatch Haringey said: “The opening of the new GP practice was instigated by local people who worked closely with us at Healthwatch Haringey to highlight poor GP access in the Tottenham Hale area, and indeed elsewhere in the borough. Whilst we are delighted with the new facility, we hope that it will be the first of many more in other parts of Haringey.”

Fiona Erne, Head of Primary Care in North Central London for NHS England (London) said: “We are delighted that Tottenham Hale Medical Practice has now opened, responding to the concerns rightly highlighted by Healthwatch and local people. The practice will provide high quality GP services for residents and will make a real difference in the local community.”

Michael Polledri, Chairman of Hale Village said: “It has been a pleasure to facilitate the building for the new practice.  It will be of great benefit to Hale Village and Tottenham Hale residents and we’re very pleased to have it in the Village.”


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