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Solidarity and support calls for Hayat TV

After the recent closure orders against TV channels like Hayat TV, Jiyan TV, Zarok TV, TV10 and Van TV, a group of speakers including a representative from Hayat TV gathered together in North London to release their press statements publicly.

Solidarity and support calls for Hayat TV

Story and Pictures: Onur Uz


After the recent closure orders against TV channels like Hayat TV, Jiyan TV, Zarok TV, TV10 and Van TV, a group of speakers including a representative from Hayat TV gathered together in North London to release their press statements publicly.

In the wake of 15 July coup attempt, Turkey’s political agenda unceasingly grows into a more significant status. Currently, five TV channels have been ordered to shut by the Prime Ministry due to the ongoing state of emergency investigations. Representatives from Kurdish and Turkish community centres gathered together to launch a press conference in North London to tackle the recent issues on media freedom in Turkey.

Speaking at the conference, Hayat TV England representative Orhan Dil, TV10 England representative Elif Tabak, Day-Mer President Aslı Gül and Democratic Power Union representative Israfil Erbil launched their press statements.

Representing Hayat TV, Mr Dil said “Basing upon the ongoing State of Emergency, shutting our TV channels is an unacceptable act. Shortly after our inception here in London, we thrived to defend our people’s rights and reflect our local communities’ way of life on our media. We condemn the act of our channels’ closure just when we were ready to launch our new season”

TV10 representative Elif Tabak, on the other hand, said in her speech “Although our channels have been darkened, one should not forget that we are the offspring of Pir Sultans, Şeyh Bedrettins and all of our ancestors who proved the World that our fight for freedom and democracy is infinite”

Summing up, Day-Mer President Aslı Gül and Democratic Power Union representative Israfil Erbil said that as different organisations they are backing the quest of justice and retaining-democracy. Mr Erbil said as the Democratic Power Union they shall be carrying on their demonstration to maintain diplomacy.


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