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Breastfeeding campaign for Enfield

breastfeedWatch out for new sign in businesses across borough, council says

By Ceylan Hassan

ENFIELD Council has launched a new campaign for breastfeeding mums when out and about.

The campaign underlines that breastfeeding is important and best for both mothers and their babies with help at hand if needed. Local companies are being urged by the council to welcome breastfeeding mothers to their businesses by displaying a special sticker.

“Not only have we produced leaflets and posters telling people where they can seek help and advice about breastfeeding itself, but we are urging all local business that welcome members of the public to sign up to our ‘Breastfeeding Welcome’ scheme.

In a statement the council said: “businesses that display the ‘Breastfeeding Welcome sign’ say their company welcomes mums and their babies to their premises. This is great news for business as it will bring in customers and good news for mums and babies as well.

“Women who breastfeed may experience problems in doing so when in public; this campaign is to ensure the place with the sign is safe and comfortable to do so. Not only will mothers feel relaxed, they will able to ask for help if they are experiencing difficulties.”

Businesses which want to get involved can contact Dr Allison Duggal on 020 8379 2894 or Estella Makumbi on 020 8379 5462.

A registration form to join the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme can be downloaded from the Council’s website




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