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Turkish architect’s “Green Oasis Park” Project drew great interest


As a platform providing organisations to showcase leading trend products, new services, key skills as well as being the perfect environment, Landscape Design 2016 accommodated international designers, architects and entrepreneurs for them to present their projects.

Chartered Turkish Landscape Architect (CMLI) Nilüfer Danış, has been one of the key speakers of the day on 13 September as she came up with her “Green Oasis Park” Project, which was also succesfully presented at Expo Antalya 2016. Designed by Nilufer Danis, the “Green Oasis Park” is based on ‘Green City ’concepts and spans 1045m2. The aim of the design is to demonstrate the value of ‘living green’ in cities and encourage investment in sustainable green spaces. In a world where we seem to be trapped in severe city gentrification, Nilüfer Danış acquainted the whole room with the perfect way to keep our cities, in a “greener” way.

The garden includes 21 trees, water fountains, a green roof, a rain garden, a pool, pathways, solar panels, sculptures, a planted table and insect hotels.

Nilüfer Danış

The green roof lessens the urban heat island effect as well as capturing particulates and pollutants in the air, producing oxygen and providing insulation to enable energy saving. Solar panels on the top of the building absorb the sun’s rays to generate electricity.

The rain garden provides sustainable drainage to prevent flooding and storm water runoff.

The planted table enables food to grow right where you eat it!  The table includes a mix of edible green plants and fruit to encourage healthier and more sustainable living, demonstrating a way to grow food at your own home. The insect hotels promote biodiversity providing place for hibernating insects like ladybirds and butterflies.

The permeable paving surface allows the movement of storm water through the surface and reduces water runoff. Tree planting provides a habitat for wildlife and helps cool the air, reducing the so called ‘heat island effect’. The proposed planting scheme contains the exported plants from Antalya to the world to promote international plants growers.

Finishing her presentation, Danış said she pursues a goal of delivering a better future for the next generations, given how much it is worrying that the world is running out of natural energy supplies and failing at “enduring” the human damage. For more information on the project and lotus Design Studio, please visit

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