Hardworking Haringey A-level students achieved an amazing 8 per cent rise in the number of A* – B grades in 2016 from 58% in 2015 to 66% in 2016.
Hardworking Haringey A-level students achieved an amazing 8 per cent rise in the number of A* – B grades in 2016 from 58% in 2015 to 66% in 2016. This means the number of A* – B grades in Haringey is 13 per cent above the national average this year and of every three A-level exams taken in Haringey, two resulted in a grade A*, A or B.
Haringey A-level success included;
Enfield, on the other hand, In the measure for A* – C grade passes, 76% of students reached these high standards, comparing favourably with 2015 results (75%). Distinctions in equivalent BTEC examinations indicate that Enfield schools are doing well.
This year large numbers of students undertook stand-alone AS qualifications for the first time and whilst no comparable benchmark exists for these examinations The Latymer School (98.6%), Aylward Academy (98.3%), Lea Valley High School (97.6%), Edmonton County School (93.9%) and Oasis Academy Enfield (93.9%) achieved excellent pass rates for these learners.
Cllr Ayfer Orhan, Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services & Protection, said, “Enfield’s students have achieved higher grades in their chosen subjects and this reflects their hard work and ambition to succeed.
“Teachers work extremely hard to ensure that all students fulfil their potential for A Levels and other post 16 examinations all of which will help young people in the next stage of their education. Congratulations to all of them.”
Students may also have followed other courses of study and these will be published in the Achievement and Attainment Tables in late January 2017.
‘We are working around the clock to give every young person the best start in life. That particularly means giving more young Haringey residents the chance to study technology, engineering and maths so they are at the front of the queue for the high-tech jobs of the future.”