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National Allotment Week commences


Monday 8 August marked the beginning of National Allotments Week (8 – 14 August 2016). With their “Growing Together” theme for the year, The National Allotment Society are celebrating allotments and their ability to include all members of society. Allotments across the country are holding special events, ranging from summer barbeques to raffles, as a way of including the wider community.

There are more than 3,000 allotments under Enfield Council’s control located in over 35 locations. Evelyn Craven and her husband Barry have had their own plot for ten years as well as being the winners of many ‘Enfield in Bloom’ awards. When speaking to Enfield Council Evelyn said that “It is wonderful having an allotment; it gets you out in the fresh air and is excellent exercise. It’s also great to get children involved with the planting and harvesting.”

The start of National Allotment Week coincides perfectly with the sunny weather forecast this week for the summer holidays, as well as Enfield Council’s #MoveMoreEnfield campaign. #MoveMoreEnfield aims to have residents making one, or two, small changes in their daily routines to live healthier lifestyles. Daniel Anderson, Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “An allotment can be a source of great exercise in the open air, and there is nothing more satisfying than growing and eating homegrown food.”

For more information, relating to allotments visit: and for a list of The National Allotment Society’s nationwide events visit:

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