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“Be a little drop to Gazze” conference in London


Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) in London held an event called “Be a little drop to Gazze” in conjunction with Olive Tree Charity at the Edmonton Islamic Centre. Speaking at the conference were Rize’s previous MP Şevki Yılmaz, Netherlands IHH President Selami Yüksel, Austyria IHH President Vahit Toy and IHH England President Ali Tahir along with Olive Tree’s President Günay Veli. Raising £13,500 for a prospective draw-well in Gazze, the project laid its foundations on the 10th of July, Sunday.

Speaking at the meeting, Selami Yksel said “We are after a solid foundation of trust. Just as a Dutch proverb says, trust comes in a turtle pace but exceeds you in a horse pace”. Speaking after Yüksel, Vahit Toy thanked all the guests and contributors by saying “We will do our best to help those territories where water accessibility is a troubling deal. I do hope we will have the sufficient value of funds to support Gazze and those people who are around”. Günay Veli, in his speech described how the project started and highlighted his experience on social media, when a young person called out for help to him and how it incepted the projects foundations.  Turkey’s previous Rize MP Şevki Yılmaz, on the other hand, said “We need to search Islam’s salvation all together. “

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