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Welcome and goodbye event for embassy undersecretaries

As one of the most active charitable foundations in London, Turkish Forum UK held a “farewell event” for Orçun and Nazmiye Başaran, whose duties at the Turkish Embassy has come to an end.

Welcome and goodbye event for embassy undersecretaries


As one of the most active charitable foundations in London, Turkish Forum UK held a “farewell event” for Orçun and Nazmiye Başaran, whose duties at the Turkish Embassy has come to an end.

Returning to Turkish Foreign Affairs Ministry in August, the couple attended to the event to greet and accept good wishes, along with welcoming the replacing undersecretaries Türker Yılmaz and his wife Cllr Reyhan Yılmaz. The meeting also stood for being a post-Eid meeting where TFUK greeted each other.

Speaking on behalf of TFUK, Nazif Akpınar wished luck for the leaving couple by remarking their contributions to the Turkish Embassy and community shall always be remembered and cherished. Attending to the meeting, were TFUK president Zeren Safa, board of directors members Nazif Akpınar, Nedim Aydoğdu, Münevver Kayıkçı, Britain Turkish Women Association President Maviş Fuchs, ITSEB (Britain-Turkey Health Members Union) president Dr. Ali Demirbağ and TFUK friends.

Speaking after Akpınar, Orçun Başaran highlighted the fact that the Başaran couple have always enjoyed their work and strived to succeed with a lot of devotion. He said “Diplomats carry their homes on their shoulders; being separated breaks my heart but we carry on accumulating life-long friendships. London will always be so special for all of us”.

Nazif Akpınar, then greeted the couple by formally welcoming them to the building and to their new positions.



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