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Police demans witnesses for the last Turk’s murder

Detectives are appealing for information one year on from the murder of Erdogan Guzel in Haringey, North London.

Police demans witnesses for the last Turk’s murder
Erdogan Guzel.

Erdogan Guzel.

Detectives are appealing for information one year on from the murder of Erdogan Guzel in Haringey, North London. Mr Guzel was shot as he sat outside the bakery he owned on Lordship Lane, on 10 July 2015. Detectives will be in the area on Friday night, distributing appeal leaflets and speaking to people.

Forensics teams, dressed in suits and masks, had a long shift on the Lordship Lane investigating the shooting

A friend of Mr Guzel, who asked not to be named, said: ‘He was always on this street, he lived nearby. ‘He was a good guy.’

He added that the victim has two children, a son and a daughter aged between 15 and 16, who are currently on holiday in Turkey.

The incident had happened just outside the Bros Bakery where Mr Guzel would often sit out.

One eye witness, a local business owner, claimed the incident had been a drive-by shooting.

Haydar Alma, 42, who owns a Polish shop, told ITV News: ‘I was in the shop working and I heard the gun, like an automatic. I looked outside and I saw the car and the window open and somebody shooting.

‘After they had gone I went outside and I saw the woman. Somebody called an ambulance.’

Mr Alma said passers-by had rushed to help the victims as he was asked to fetch tissues to try and stop the bleeding.

Now that it has beena  compelte year from the murder, the investigation was launched after police were called to reports of several shots fired in Lordship Lane at around 17:45 on 10 July 2015. Anyone with information is asked to contact the incident room on 020 8345 1570 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


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