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Eid Mubarak from the Mayor of London

Sadıq Khan.

Sadıq Khan.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said:

“Eid Mubarak to all Muslims here in London and around the world. This year’s Ramadan has seen some of the longest fasts in over 30 years. Although it has been quite challenging, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the past month – my first Ramadan as the Mayor of London. From breaking my fast amongst Londoners of all faiths and backgrounds at St James’s Church in Piccadilly and Finchley Reform synagogue, to joining the Archbishop of Canterbury and Chief Rabbi at Lambeth Palace for a historic interfaith Iftar with young people from across the capital, the past four weeks have been a great opportunity to bring together London’s many varied communities – to me, that’s what Ramadan is all about.

“It is now more important than ever that we unite as Londoners and extend our hands of friendship after the recent surge in hate crime. As Mayor I have asked our police to be extra vigilant and to take a zero-tolerance approach to any cases of Islamophobia and all other hate crimes. I encourage Londoners from all backgrounds and visitors to the city to come together at this year’s Eid Festival in Trafalgar Square to celebrate the diversity and tolerance that is at the heart of our great city. It is set to be one of the best yet, with a brilliant line-up of performances, food and culture. Eid Mubarak!”

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