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Nominate now for the Hackney Design Awards 2016

The search is on for the borough’s best new buildings and public spaces for the Hackney Design Awards 2016 with nominations opening on 3 June.

Nominate now for the Hackney Design Awards 2016

hdalogoThe search is on for the borough’s best new buildings and public spaces for the Hackney Design Awards 2016 with nominations opening on 3 June.

Architects, residents and visitors to Hackney are being encouraged to nominate examples of outstanding buildings and public spaces of high quality design, completed since August 2014, for the prestigious biennial awards.
Anyone can nominate and there are is a variety of different types of projects eligible for an award, including: residential, commercial, community, educational and industrial uses.
Alterations to existing buildings can also be nominated, including: extensions, refurbishments, conversions or restorations. Public realm projects, those that improve a street or park, and landscaping projects are also eligible for nomination.
Entries will be shortlisted and judged by an independent panel of architects and urban design experts. The awards will be announced later in the year.
To be eligible for an award, buildings or projects must have been completed and of use in the last two years and must be in Hackney.
Cllr Guy Nicholson, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, said: “The Hackney Design Awards celebrate great architecture in our borough and recognise the contribution that good design makes to our quality of life.
“You can nominate any building, from contemporary to heritage, from small to large. You can nominate buildings that have embraced innovative ways of using spaces indoors and outdoors, that use new forms of building materials and construction techniques or buildings that reduce energy consumption or it might be the design behind a great public space. Hackney has it all so do nominate your favourite building and make sure it gets recognised as one of the boroughs best!”
David Mikhail, from Mikhail Riches architects and one of the winners from the Hackney Design Awards 2014, said: “It was a fantastic experience to plan, build, and now live in Hackney. For architecture to be encouraged by Hackney Council in this way, and to make buildings we can all be proud of, is also terrific. We look forward to our next project in the borough.”
The nominations will close on 18 July.
For more details and to make a nomination from 3 June, visit: email: or call: 0208 356 2385.


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