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British Turkish Women Association made donations to 5 schools


BTKD, also known as British Turkish Women Association made donations to 5 different Turkish schools fort he significance of the 23rd of April national holiday. The ceremony took place in the Turkish embassy residence with Sefire Esta Bilgiç’s hostage. At the event, Dr. Fazıl Küçük and Ali Rıza Değirmencioğlu handed 1,000 GBP worth cheques to Soutgate Atatürk and Woking Turkish.

Many distinguished guests from the UK’s Turkish community like Northern Cyprus representative Oya Tuncalı, ambassador Ülkü Alemdar, Education attache Gülgün Özçelik, TR Education counsellor Eli,f Oytun, Turkish ban managers Öiğdem Beyköylü, BTKD president Maviş Fuchs and BTKD co-managers Funda Aksanoğlu, Sevgül Özkor, Deniz Harput and Betül Ekrem joined to the event along with 40 other guests.

Maviş Fuchs, in her welcoming speech, thanked to the association’s honourary president Sefire Esra Bilgiç for her kind hostage by also stating the significance of logic in a society’s development. Mrs Fuchs highlighted that it is Ataturk’s only one of his wise words on education. She then thanked every distinguished guest in person by remarking her thankfulness for the donations by saying “this is an amazing investment for our bright future – thanks everyone.”

Following, Sefire ESRA Bilgiç made a speech by including how grateful she is to be hosting such a significant event with significant guests. She said “Although we are a young organisation we have taken great steps and will just surprise everyone for the better. I am grateful to be a part of the Turkish women’s growth in the UK.” She then thanked everyone in person for their donations, by referring them as the “generous help to make our future brighter”.

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