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Anastasiadis announced their principles in congress



South Cyprus President Anastasiadis determined 10 principles which are to be essential in the negotiations conducted between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots.

1-The unalterable ground is the federation sketched out by the Doruk agreement and the verdict of Security Council with two equal zones and two equal societies.

2-The three distinguishing features of the newly established state: unified sovereignty, citizenship and international representation

3- A possible resolution in the negotiations has to be the transformation of Republic of Cyprus.

4- The resolution that is to be sketched out should be straightforward and comprehensive. It should respond to Cypriots’ worries and has to be applicable.

5-The newly established agreement needs to ensure the economic sustainability.

6- The transition regulations should comprise the essentials; It should be short termed and concrete.

7- Security will be controlled through a unified understanding and force.

8-The land regulations, which are related to the expenses of the landownership and the resolution, can’t be settled without lengthy talks — and establishing minute regulations addressing the problem

9-There are clear and unbendable values for land regulation. (This statement refers to the land regulation which will enable up to 100 thousands of Greek immigrants return to the island, under the supervision of the Greek government.

10-The resolution needs to be the result of a fair deal. There should not be any losers — or winners. No minority should be ruled over. Mutual respect should be conserved

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