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Complaints: Haringey Council has to re-do the consultation awareness



Redevelopment plans have been a huge part of the Haringey council. However, residents in Haringey complained about the consultations’ advertisements, saying that they were not informed or were not informed well enough, prompting the council to move ahead with a new campaign to inform public of new consultation times.The plan set outs the future of Haringey by proposing a future design and approach to the borough of London.Extra evening meetings will be held to accommodate those who cannot make it during the peak hours, the council have said.Locals have also complained about the lack of paper copies of the consultations.Sue penny from Tottenham sad this to the Tottenham independent: “Local residents are concerned that this important consultation has not been sufficiently advertised. The drop-in sessions are all during the day with none after 7pm. I attended the drop-in session on January 18 at St Ann’s library and only five people attended in all.

“Since then I have also attended a meeting of Dowsett Road Residents Association and Friends of Down Lane Park where Matthew Paterson, a senior planning policy officer answered questions from residents. This was attended by some 30 residents and one councillor, far more people than the Council organized drop-in session.

 “We complained about not being able to get paper copies of the 4 documents and Mr. Paterson provided one set for the residents association. He agreed it is difficult to examine these large documents online.

A Haringey Council spokesman said: “Our Local Plan will help put the right planning rules in place to tackle residents’ priorities for Haringey’s future, and we want to hear from as many people as possible about our ideas.

“That’s why we’ve written to more than 9,500 affected households and businesses to urge them to take part and organised a dozen drop-in sessions across the borough – as well as promoting the consultation through local media, Haringey People and online.


“Paper copies of the documents are available on short-term loan from libraries, and we’ve added three evening drop-in sessions to enable even more people to have their say. We’ll continue to promote ways for people to get involved.”

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