Property is a huge issue in Cyprus that occupies a significant amount of time during the current peace talks between North (Turkish) and South (Greek) Cyprus.
In light of this, a meeting was held in the Cypriot Community Centre, in Haringey, through the partnership of Vroisa and Embargoed, under the subject line, “Property issue during peace talks”.
Writer and researcher, Mustafa Esat, gave the meeting an opening with a speech on the issue of property. “Property laws cannot be changed. The people who buy [the illegal claimed property] do not get automatic rights over the property,” he said.
Esat outlined property issues concerning both sides; during the invasion of Cyprus, Turkey claimed much of Greek-owned property, which was given or sold at a very low price to Turks in the region. Also, property owned by the islands Turkish inhabitants was initially managed by British rule, as they wished.
Neither did British will or Turkey’s unfair management of Greek property do anything to bring peace and fairness to the region. Esat centred the talk on the importance of property during peace talks, taking a pro-fair approach to the whole issue.
Several questions were asked during the Q&A session: One that took much notice was of a question/statement asked by a audience member, concerning the passivity of the Greek government in the face of British mis-treatment of Turkish property that was given or sold willy nilly to Greek buyers and/or business men.
The meeting, which was attended by 30 or so people, came to a close at 18:00, bringing the duration to four hours.