Following a new shake up in the finance ministry, price of passports in countries outside Turkey have been reduced.
“We have solved the problem of high prices for passports by reducing the price from 184 euros in 2015 to 72 euros,” Said Akp’s Istanbul MP and President of TBMM (Turkish Congress) Human rights investigation commission Mustafa Yeneroglu.
He added: “Our citizens that live abroad often, for various reason – either for trips to Turkey or issues in the country they reside in – have to use a passport. The price for passports carried a significant financial burden when you consider the economic crisis and families with children. When all is taken into consideration, the reduction of prices was an important need.
Jus as how AKP (the ruling Party in Turkey) takes seriously all the issues surrounding our citizens who live abroad, we took the price of passports seriously. Our prime-minister had promised to reduce the price.
To keep our promise, the finance ministry reduced the prices. Accordingly, from 2016 onwards the prices for passports are as follows: 16.6 euros for 6 months, 22,17 Euros for 8 months, 36.17 euros for a year 51.33 euros for three years and 72.37 euros for anything over four years.”