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Day-Mer Supports Refugees in Calais Camp


TURKISH AND KURDISH Community Centre Day-Mer has shown their support towards refugees who are in the shelter and will have held a conference meeting at the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday evening (9 December).

The conference will include the support of MP Kate Osamor discussing how Day-Mer can work together in an effort to help solve the refugee crisis. Discussions of how to remove inhumane conditions in Calais and find a sustained long-term solution will also have taken place.

Day-Mer also sent Londra Gazete information on their visit to Calais, they explained their reasons for visiting and their aims while there and after, below is a brief extract from the information.

“On Saturday 17 October 2015, a delegation from Day-Mer Turkish and Kurdish Community Centre set out on an observation mission to Calais to visit the notorious “jungle” where thousands of refugees risk their lives every day attempting to cross the Channel into the UK. In the

week leading up to our visit three refugees were killed trying to cross the border, including a mother and child. Our aim was to deliver the donations we had collected and see for ourselves the conditions. Our delegation to Calais included writers, journalists, lawyers, teachers, students, workers and artists from London, some of whom had been refugees themselves.”

The aims of the visit were as follows:

a) Fact finding

Collect information on the number of refugees based in the Calais “jungle”, the demographics

and immediate needs of the population, as well as finding those particularly vulnerable

refugees who are harder to reach.

b) Scope

Identify and, where possible, establish contact with organisations and groups already providing

support. Assess the impact of current efforts, including the successes, challenges and


c) Feedback

Raise awareness and disseminate information through Day-Mer to other organisations, groups

and the Turkish and Kurdish community with the aim of informing, planning and coordinating

future efforts and visits.

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