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Turkish Cypriot Competes in Istanbul Marathon


A TURKISH CYPRIOT from England has competed in the 37th Istanbul Marathon held last weekend on Sunday 15 November, 2015.

The North-Cyprus born Turkish Cypriot Okan Baysan, took part in the marathon which was held on the day North Cyprus gained independence as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The most important and only Vodafone marathon which runs between Europe and Asia in  Istanbul saw a total of 25,000 athletes  from 120 countries take part on the day.  This year’s marathon had the slogan of “Stop Violence Against Women”. Turkish Cypriot athlete Okan Baysan, originally from Lefke, explained he was very proud to take part in the marathon especially on the anniversary of the TRNC becoming a Republic.


Explaining that he began preparing for the marathon months beforehand, Okan Baysan said: “I’m so proud to have come to England and then compete in the marathon to represent our flag and our country, it has been an honour. Running alongside me was my brother Ertan Baysan, Hasan Deniz Akbora and other friends also completed the marathon successfully.” 

He added: “The families and Turkish Cypriots from North Cyprus and those living in Istanbul who were among the crowd at the marathon were a great motivation to me. To everyone who supported us on this important day and all the Turkish Cypriots whose hearts were beating with us, I want to say Thank you and wish us many more healthy and sport-filled days ahead.”


Born in Lefke, Okan Baysan completed college at Turkish Maarif College and then went onto the United States of America to study university.

After graduating from one of America’s best universities Purdue University, he lived in Istanbul for a period of time and then moved to England. Living in England, he is now working as an Advisory Director for IBM. When Okan finds time outside of work, he continues with sports.

Mr Baysan, who loves his country does all he can to represent his background and TRNC as country in Marathons and sports competitions, whether they take place in England or other countries.

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