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Thousands Protest Turkey’s Terror Attack


THOUSANDS TOOK TO the streets in two solidarity protests in London, following the double terrorist attack during a ‘peace’ demonstration in Ankara, Turkey, on Saturday 10 October.

The protest which was organised via a last minute announcement, called upon the Turkish speaking community, was first held on Saturday after the attack. The march began in Wood Green and ended in Haringey, North London.

A second announcement was then made for Sunday 11 October, where thousands gathered to march from Trafalgar Square to the BBC Television Centre. Both protests which were controlled by police officers, saw protesters chant: “Yes to Peace, No to War”, “Everywhere is Ankara, everywhere is solidarity”, “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now” and “We want peace right now” were among just some of the slogans chanted, as peace placards and signs were held.


Leader of the Labour Party and leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn also issued a statement in response to the terror attack in Ankara, Turkey.

He explained he was “horrified” when he heard the news of the attack and in order for peace to be reconciled, every area in Turkey should be given their rights.


The Protest saw Alevi, Sunni, right wing, left wing, Kurdish, Turkish, Muslim, Christian among the thousands of people who became one heart and stood together. The British Ataturk Thoughts Union, The CHP British Union, the British Alevi Federation, 18 different civilian community organisations also took part. The British Democratic Unite Platform and several foreign civil community unions also took part in marching to call for peace.

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