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Levent Gültekin, evaluates the AKP

Levent Gultekin (2)

CEFTUS (Centre for Turkey Studies) HAS HELD a conference in London, organized by famous journalist Levent Gültekin, which took place on Monday 5 October, in London. He met with members of the Turkish Community and assessed the AKP government.

He expressed how happy he felt to hear just how much the citizens living abroad miss their motherland and pay attention to their country’s politics. Levent Gültekin, also said that the political parties in Turkey think that to be abie to survive they must gain enemies or name other countries as enemies or even its own people. By grouping them into Turkish- Kurdish – Alevi- Suni- Kemalist or even a person who follows their religion and even names them as enemies.


“The state system has been set up to to make you a part of all its offences” said Gültekin. He explained that the current system is causing ethical and decent people to be alone, it is deffending that these people no longer exist and this system is also affecting followers of religion as well.

“Turkey, the opposition Democrats, have been named as ‘Enemies’”

In the framework of the states survival plan, the opponents who were trying to defends their rights and be democratic have been named as enemies, however the long professional journalist explained that due to lack of education and culture have now dispersed. He lastly said that his greatest fear was that the Kurdish people will also be in this situation as our the Religious.”

“Politics brings out the fact a person is broken”

“They say politics break or even ruins a person, actually I think that it shows just how broken a person is. This is because the members of the system don’t allow them to progress themselves while they settle in and when the member holds a political power, faces a breakage again because of politics.” said the journalist.

“They belive religion will fix all problems”

The countrys’ religionists believe that religion will fix all problems, therefore do not feel philosophy, education and community ethics and morals are important. I’ve come to understand that as soon as an incident occurs, the AKP government cannot no longer fix a problem with religion.”

  “The Opposition in Turkey is scared”

Gültekin said: “A President who says “I’m not listening to the law” and says that the politicians who criticise him are oppositions in front of the cameras, then those in power forcefully and the general public should be steered to take action by using completely different ways.”

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