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Up to £60,000 Grants for Hackney Projects

GRANTS TOTALLING UP to £60,000 can still be applied for by voluntary and community groups for future projects that will benefit Hackney residents.

Up to £60,000 Grants for Hackney Projects


Hackney Youth Orchestras

Hackney Youth Orchestras

GRANTS TOTALLING UP to £60,000 can still be applied for by voluntary and community groups for future projects that will benefit Hackney residents.

Projects will have to focus on promoting social inclusion and development of community cohesion in order to claim. Grants between £5,000 and £30,000 will be given for schemes lasting a year or up £60,000 for those over two years.

Last year Hackney Youth Orchestras Trust was awarded a Main Grant of £10,000 to help run its Saturday morning music school for children and young people.

Rachel Dollimore, from the trust, said: “Thanks to our Main Grant project we’ve been able to put on extra rehearsals for the chamber orchestra who put on wonderful performances at the summer concert.

“One of our soloists has now reached grade 8 standard with distinction and is leaving to go to university after 10 years at the trust’s Saturday school.

“Another student is leaving the trust’s Saturday school after seven years after receiving an offer to study music at university.”

Almost £1 million of Main Grants has been awarded to 48 groups in Hackney for projects being delivered in 2015/16.

Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Culture Cllr Jonathan McShane, said: “There are lots of organisations and voluntary groups out there who are making a positive difference to the lives of Hackney residents..”

He added: “The Council’s grants programme is there to provide funding to support voluntary and community sector organisations in the valuable work that they do. If you think your group or organisation might meet the criteria, then I would encourage you to apply for our grants.”

Organisations which deliver initiatives of high-quality for children and young adults in the school holidays also have a budget within the programme.

Guidance and information on how to apply is available on the grants webpages.


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