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Council confiscates speakers from noisy neighbour


DVD players, speakers and a TV were seized from a noisy neighbour by Hackney Council, after the tenant played extremely loud country and western music during the early hours.

Officers from Hackney’s Community Safety Team, with the support of police  entered a property in Magnin Close last Thursday and seized four CD players, four speakers and a TV.

Neighbours had also complained that the tenant was shouting, swearing and personally abusing them. Five separate complainants from elderly neighbours were received by the Council.

An officer from the Council’s noise team witnessed the noise, in February, and the tenant was served with an abatement notice ordering him to stop. Despite a short lull the anti-social behaviour continued leading to the seizure.

Hackney Council’s Deputy Mayor, Cllr Linden said: “Noisy neighbours really can make people’s lives a misery. If you’re experiencing noise nuisance get in touch with our noise team, who can take action, like they did in the case if it’s needed.”

The warrant application was issued at Thames Magistrates Court.

The Councils noise service investigates noise complaints ranging from barking dogs and building sites to loud music from nightclubs, pubs and parties.

Hackney Council said complaints about noise nuisance, as well as how to minimise it and how to report it, can be made by calling 020 8356 4455 or visiting

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