Politicians and community representatives came together on Tuesday night for a meal to break the Ramadan fast in Edmonton.
The event at the Mevlana Rumi Mosque was attended by Enfield North MP Joan Ryan and Kate Osamor, the MP for Edmonton, as well as councillors and father Costakis Evangelou from the local Apostolic Church.
The Mevlana Rumi mosque was opened in 2009 by the Anatolian Muslim Community and has hosted iftar meals to break the fast every night during the month of Ramadan.
Speaking during Tuesday night’s event, the mosque’s academic director Dr Hasan Horkuç spoke about the services available at the centre before offering his condolences to those killed in the terrorist attacks of the past week.
Next to speak was Gülistan Arslan, from the Time to Help charity, who spoke to guests about the aid projects it spearheaded in places like Nepal, the Philippines, Gaza, Syria and the western Turkish town of Soma.
Ms Ryan was among those to praise Time to Help’s working, saying it contributed greatly to relief efforts after the Nepal earthquake and adding that the world needed to act in concert when unnatural events like disasters occur.
Kate Osamor, for her part, said that her team attempted to help charitable organisations in Edmonton as much as possible and spoke of the importance of bringing people together during the month of Ramadan.